As everyone struggles to come up with a costume for Halloween, a few thoughts to consider: Last year, Americans spent $7.4 billion on costumes. Of that $3.2 billion was on costumes--$33.68 per person.
I spent over $100 in Hello Kitty stuff to perform in a local club's "Night of 100 Drag Queens" this week. It was an amazing experience (thank you Sidetrack) and they paid me back that amount as an unexpected surprise, but it's quite a sum. Should I shake my fist and cry "What are we doing?"
Ah, no.
I simply ask, what price joy?
Life has a movement in my eyes. As we cycle through our days on earth, we work, we ponder and we celebrate. We bond, we find commonalities, we create families. If we didn't have Halloween, we'd have some other celebration where we have an opportunity to physically manifest our inner selves. I certainly gave myself permission to burn through my paycheck.
And I had a ball.
Yours in excess,
Angel Bright